The Mansion #2


Remember about “The Mansion”?
Well, even though I have my first book at the editor, and that that same book needs a second one, I will start to write (or rewrite) “The Mansion”. Honestly, I need to take it out of my head and I already start the research (a very important step to write a good story). There are these flashes of the story that make all the sense to be in that story. It's at work... or when I am talking with somebody and then I completely forget what we are talking because this image of Alex crossed my mind...
So, for my sake, I have to write down those same flashes, and, maybe start to write the novel.
But first, I know that I have to improve the way I describe places and people, because what I describe is very psicologicaly. For example, instead of giving the facts I describe how things are important to characters.
There's nothing wrong with it, but it's something that I want to improve. If I could do it I would have more tools to use in my writing, and chose the write option for each case.
But isn't that something that I could train while writing the story?
What do you think?

(did I use to many times the word “something”?)



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