
He knew the story behind Odracir anger. He was part of it. 
But he couldn't think about it. If he did, Victoria would know and then make him fix what he did. But he couldn't. 
Not only because he was a wizard, but because they couldn't change the future... And he knew the future - or part of it. And in that future, he will give his gift to another person. That was one of the reasons why he was hidden in Kingdom Aislinn. 
He had to avoid all that could change the future. And big changes were at the way. 
The trio would change everything, as so many others trios... 
Did he remember when he belong to one? Maria, Odracir and him. They were unstopable. Until the day... 

He closed his eyes. 
He shouldn't be thinking about the past. 
When he opened his eyes, he saw the reason why Odracir was at war with everybody, in a search for the ultimate gifted. That young gifted was who he was looking for. 
He closed his eyes. When he return to present, Victoria was looking at him. She knew he was watching the future. He could see it in her eyes.
"Stop", she demand. 
He just nod, confirming the order. 

But he knew. Knew more then what he should. Four years, and all be over. So he had to make sure everything would be the way it should. No matter what. 


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