Sketch #11

She new that her dreams were real. 
She couldn't talk to her father about it. What if he thought she was going crazy? 
Well, she was, but still, she could listen her father telling her that. 
After her dream she couldn't sleep. So she research. And what she found was scary. Everything that she was writing was becoming the truth. Or, at least, she was writing about things that already happened. If so, how? And most important: why? 
She taught it was her imagination that made her write things about a world so different from the one she was living in... And now, she was almost sure it was all true. She wasn't a writer. That was more scary than every thing else. Not knowing what her future would be like. She taught she would be a writer. What now?
There she was. In the school bathroom. Where she first met Leonor Guerreiro. 
She locked the door. No one would come inside. Not before she figure out what was going on. 
She sat at the watchstand. From there she would watch Leonor arriving, or what ever she was doing.
Someone tried to open the door.  
Alma look at it, waiting. But who ever was at door, quits.
She return her look to restroom.
Leonor wasn't there. But a transparent blue light was forming a body. Blue become more tangible and slowly, become Leonor. 
She looked up to find Alma watching her complety pale and frozen. 


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