Sketch #10

Past. Present. Future.
Past Present Future
Three girls. 
Girls that lived as boys and girls. 
But girls in the present. 
Maybe in the future. 

The time belong to them. 
Sometimes it was a burden - well, most of the times. 
In the past they have told what they knew. Trying to protect the ones they loved. They, more than anyone should know that they couldn't change the future. But they were humans. It was in their blood protect others.

In the present they didn't say anything. They help in simple things, that would change how people act, and probably the not so good future.
But now there was another trio. A trio that would change everything. But not enough. Or would? 

The future was confusing. 
They could see it. 
But they also could see that a new trio was coming. A trio of boys. Boys that would change everything. 

But one of them hide the truth. It wasn't the trio who would change everything. But a single person. A kid that was raised be the enemy. 


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