Kingdom Aislinn
dream |
The Castle was in the top of the mountain, the guard tower scratching the sky.
Every soldier in town could watch the majestic construction made thousand years ago by the hands of the women that stay when their men went to war. Men fought. Women healed.
For over three hundred years it was the reality. Everything changed when a woman become the Queen after all men died. All. Just women remain.
Now the soldiers could watch the Castle from their houses, without fear of being forced to go to war. There was a war hiden in the wells, but most soldiers didn't realize. They were living their life as they want. Free. Finally.
Was to protect freedom that the ones ruling the kigdom hide so many secrets. Secrets from the past. Secrets from the present and future.
No one needed to know.
No one needed to know that under the wells people were kept in secret. People that were protecting the soldiers that weren't soldiers no more.
Five elements acquire the ones differents. The ones that had more power to fight the war that was coming.
What would the trio see when in the kingdom?
Would they see the reality?
Would they help? Or would they run away?
Victoria couldn't judge them if they did. If she had the same opportunity...
She hadn't.
They will cross the tunnel. Face Earth. Then Water and Wind. Finally jump into Fire and fight the Spirit. And then maybe they would stay. She couldn't know the future. She could. But the consequences would be astronomic.
She closed her eyes feeling the trio crossing the wells. Three months. She would gave them three months.
When she opened her eyes Guardians surround her. There was also an enemy coming.
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