Wind Without Return or Forest's Mirror?

When I was wondering around I watched this foreign couple. First I was: "they look so sweet" and I moved on. A few minutes later, they were still at the same spot. Just side by side, without talking, looking foward. 
So I gave it the subtitle: They remember the past while looking at the field where they fought.
Since then I have thought if this photograph wouldn't be the beginning of one of the last chapters of Wind Without Return or Forest's Mirror - maybe the third one...? I still don't know.
And then other questions: who would be this couple? One of the mains ones? Who got old enough with their loved one? Alma? Leonor? Or Diana? 
Or would they be one couple of the other side - the enemy?
The subtitle doesn't tell us if they won or not... It's up to the writer - me -, to decide that. 
Interesting... I am thinking about some things... Maybe some day I will tell you what it is.



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