What work best?

“There is no right way to write; only the one that's best for you.”
Keep that in mind, not only for writing, but for everything.
In my case, I like to write at night or in places where I should be doing something else – like studying in college... - and with tons of coffee.
But for a while I wasn't aware fo what worked best for me, specially after college.
So, remember: this will be a matter of trial and error.
Do you work best at late night or early in the morning?
With complete silence or in a café?

If I am with no inspiration I like to be in a new place full with people that I don't know. Just watch them, listening to what they are talking about and make stories (or sketches) in my head and be inspired. Occasionally, I will write down details that interested to me.
What also help me in those situations is travelling. Again, new places, new people, new points of view, new problems.

Every writer must keep a journal, where they write down what matter to them and every single sketch of character, place or scene that crossed their mind.
Sometimes I keep things in my mind instead of writing them down, and then I forget... And that pisses me off.
So, even though I have all these methods to write (favourite place to write, time of the day, coffee), my journal also help me. Sometimes I go back and I find something interesting to work on, and if I hadn't write them down I wouldn't remember it.
So, find you journal – and it could be you mobile phone – and do what work best for you.


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